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Deakin & Megantic's Women in Tech Mentoring Program

11 October 2023 Blog Posts

As part of the Deakin University & Megantic eCommerce Accelerator Program, we were excited to have provided an opportunity to female Deakin students to participate in an exclusive ‘Women in Tech’ mentoring program. This program served as a unique platform through which participants gained invaluable exposure, insights, and expertise in various aspects of digital marketing and eCommerce.

The program was driven by the need to address the underrepresentation of women in the Australian technology sector. 2021 census data revealed that only one in five leadership roles ICT was held by women. The ‘Women in Tech’ Megantic & Deakin mentoring program aimed to reduce the gender imbalance by giving women the chance to learn from industry experts in eCommerce, SEO, and technology through interactive workshops.

Over a span of two months, students were invited to engage in a series of five intensive 2-hour workshops held at the Megantic Head office. The workshop sessions delved into a range of topics, including SEO fundamentals, research, website structure, web development, data analysis, and Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO). Each session was guided by Megantic mentors and subject matter experts.


Session 1: SEO Fundamentals

After an introduction to Megantic, Kristina and Abhijay discussed how SEO fits into the digital marketing web and the three types of SEO. They discussed how algorithms work, and a layout of the search engine results page (SERPS).

Google Page Anatomy


Session 2: Research & Website Structure

In the next session, Blake and Lachlan explored the critical topic of website structure and architecture.

Our focus was on structuring eCommerce websites using Google’s product taxonomy, emphasising the value of branded traffic, and passing value down from category pages to subcategories. We also emphasised the importance of a strategic approach to subcategory creation.

Megantic & Deakin mentoring- Kristina and Trang Megantic & Deakin mentoring- Lachlan, Kristina and Trang


Session 3: Data Mapping & Analysis

Patricia began the discussion by explaining that data begins as simply numbers, but after extensive work, it can be used to tell a story and give recommendations to guide future actions.

Then Vandana spoke about how we present data in monthly reports to our clients. She explained the importance of personalising the way to deliver data depending on the stakeholder.


Session 4: Website Development, Coding and Pathways in Digital

Sinviana began this session by providing valuable insights into how we execute our eCommerce SEO strategy for Shopify clients, in collaboration with our Macedonian division. She also shed light on her journey as an eCommerce Webmaster, discussing her educational background, degree, and her typical day in the role.

Emily followed suit by offering a glimpse into her marketing role, and experiences since graduation.


Session 5: Conversion Rate Optimisation

The final session of the mentoring program was a combined mentoring session and client meetup. We invited mentees and clients participating in the eCommerce Accelerator Program to join us at Deakin Downtown.

Raoul Warren Doraiswamy, from Conversionry, was invited to share insights about Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) trends for eCommerce businesses. This allowed mentees and selected clients to learn about the parallels between SEO and CRO, namely that SEO brings in educated shoppers, and CRO turns them into buyers.

Megantic & Deakin mentoring session with Conversionry Megantic & Deakin mentoring session with Conversionry team photo


Praise for the Megantic & Deakin Mentoring Program

“We’re proud to invest in programs that create new job opportunities for Victorians, support Victorian businesses to develop digital expertise and ensure they are equipped to remain competitive on the global stage in the future.” – Gayle Tierney, Victorian Minister for Training and Skills, Higher Education, and Agriculture.

“I would like to thank you and the team for the opportunity to be a part of your mentoring program. I have really enjoyed the sessions and it has been a valuable experience.” – Anonymous Student.

“It made me want to work in Marketing and SEO even more!”  – Anonymous Student

“[The mentoring program was] really interesting and insightful, and I really enjoyed it.”  – Anonymous Student.

“I found my role as a mentor to be a highly rewarding experience. It was a privilege to witness their development and offer guidance on their unique paths to success.” – Emily Bencsics, Marketing & Digital Specialist.

“As a woman in STEM myself, I believe that this mentoring program is an innovative approach that brings together perspectives and experiences of mentees and mentors to work on common goals and help each other find the strength to persevere and succeed in these in-demand fields.” – Sinviana Meliani, Web Producer & Project Manager.


Thank you to Deakin University for running this program with us.

See more information about our other mentoring program with The Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School in 2023, 2022 and 2021.

Posted by Web Content Administrator

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