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Begin with Google Ads | Unlock the Power of Digital Advertising

13 May 2024 Blog Posts

Join us on a journey through the latest trends, expert tips, and practical insights, as we explore how Google Ads can elevate your business to new heights in the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing.

This is part one of a three part series.

Part 1: Begin with Google Ads (this blog)

Part 2: Campaigns in Google Ads

Part 3: Track Results on Google Ads

Google Ads: What is it?

Google Ads is the name of Google’s pay-per-click (PPC) platform. It uses the Google network to display advertisements in various formats across SERPs, Youtube, Gmail & many other websites.

What falls under the Google Network?

A broad array of channels & platforms to display Ads in various styles.

Types of Google Ads: Youtube, Display, Search, Discover, Gmail, Maps

How does Google Ads work? 

Search Network

Google’s Search Network is the bread & butter of Google Ads and what the majority of campaigns we work with utilise (Shopping & Search).

The process looks as follows:

  • Advertisers create an ad that will target (and bid $) on a keyword.
  • A user will search for this on Google.
  • Relevant ads that target that keyword will then be triggered for auction.
  • Google then enters all relevant ads into the auction to decide what will display.
  • This is determined by Quality Scores, Ad Rank formulas, spends & many factors.
  • The ‘winning’ ads are then displayed for the user.
  • The advertiser will pay when the ad is clicked (hence pay-per-click).

Display Network

Google’s Display Network is a selection of millions of websites, apps, and videos where Ads can be displayed.

Ads are created to target 3 sets of audiences:

  • Predefined (Google dictated)
  • Custom
  • In-market (browsing/interacting with similar products/services)

These can also be segmented by demographic groups. Eg.:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Parental Status


Difference between the Search & Display Network

Google Search Network:

  • Operates on a demand – served basis.
  • Customers are shown ads relevant to exactly what they are searching for.

Google Display Network:

  • Showcases ads to users that aren’t actively searching for a product at a time
  • Uses segmentation/relevancy to display to users that are likely interested in your ad (similar to social) and will engage/interact

Why should you use Google Ads?

Targeted Advertising: Target customers actively searching for your offering. Easy to customise campaigns to target specific demographics, keywords, locations, device types, etc. 

Compliment Organic: Target weak Organic areas for maximum presence. Drive both short-term and long-term traffic.

Budget control: Set daily/ monthly spending caps. Pay only when someone clicks on your ads. Switch on and off where needed eg. seasonality/sales periods.

Quick Results: Begin running within a few hours of setup to generate results.

High Return on Investment: Achieve strong ROI as you only pay for clicks. 

Remarketing: Re-engage potential customers. Target users who have visited your website before but didn’t convert.

Competitive Advantage: If your competitors are using Google Ads and you’re not, you might be missing out on potential leads and customers. Organic results will be pushed down.

Posted by Emily Bencsics

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