Megantic is Australia’s only dedicated technical SEO agency focused exclusively on eCommerce businesses. Our specific and niche offering is designed to grow organic rankings for both B2C and B2B businesses. We’re specialists in maximising online market reach by restructuring URLs and category hierarchies based on data. This improves the discoverability of your website and increases conversion rates, to deliver non-branded traffic revenue growth.
By focusing on cementing a timeless and Google-endorsed website structure, you can free up time and resources to focus on other marketing strategies and diversify your whole marketing strategy.

Technical SEO is optimising the technical and “behind the scenes” elements of your website. The aim? To provide a soundproof and solid base to your most important money-maker– your website.
In more technical terms, technical SEO refers to optimisations made to your website and backend that enable search engines to better crawl and index pages. The more efficient and effective the crawling and website content, the higher you will rank on keywords related to your products.

Our award-winning three stage strategy to results

stage one
Researching your full market
[Stage 1]

After the onboarding process, we begin conducting an extensive research phase. Our specially trained research team typically take around 4 weeks to fully map your market reach. They map the size of the customer demand for your products and total size of your target market. If your website is not already focused on a niche, they will find the one that best suits your products and your customers' purchase intent.

Findings during the research phase are housed in our purpose built CRM. Created by our founders and developers, the CRM dynamically displays your new website sitemap, keywords we may focus on for each URL with their associated volumes, any URL redirects needed, and much more.

stage two
Implementation of the ideal site structure
[Stage 2]

Once our team has completed the research phase, they will use the uncovered data to create a new and improved site structure. We will create new selling pages to target your full market online, resulting in more entry points to the website. Each entry point will be a product category page that your ideal customers are searching for. By focusing on customer experience and bringing in new customers who are searching for your products, revenue and conversion rates will grow.

Instead of prioritising more traffic, like many other agencies do, we focus on bringing new, educated customers to you. What use is a buyer searching for a generic term (like “queen size sheets” or “car seat covers”), when you could have a customer searching for the exact product you specialise in (“floral queen size sheets” or “Honda Civic seat covers”).

stage three
Growing and protecting your new organic positions
[Stage 3]

Don’t let all our work go to waste! Organic search positions are not permanent, they are temporary. If your competitor decides they also will work on their SEO, your positions are at risk, and so is your organic traffic.

So to ensure long term results, we continually review your performance and execute onsite and offsite SEO strategies. Our aim is to become your trusted eCommerce partners. Your personal Project Manager will create monthly reports on your organic results, address any market changes and offer advice on additional marketing strategies to look into.

We don’t shy away from the occasional poor result. It is expected when working with Google and their frequent algorithm updates. We pride ourselves on being transparent, and will let you know of any unfortunate drops in rankings. Most importantly, we take ownership and let you know what we are doing to make the next month better.

Get results from technical SEO

A holistic approach to SEO

Our holistic approach to SEO leaves no stone unturned. We prioritise technical SEO as it forms the foundation to our strategy, but we do not neglect on-site and off-site SEO tactics. A typical project includes most of these 35+ elements.

To find out how we can help your business, get in touch

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